It’s been a tough year for

me. I’m going through a lot of changes in my life as I know it. I’ve worked hard to keep things in order but other things suffered here and there. I also went through a break up from someone I care very deeply about. Life has become way to overwhelming and I’ve really had to dig deep for strength all around. Thank goodness for the support of my daughters and the love I receive from people close to me. Seeing my Grandbaby is a gift for sure. Makes me get off my pity potty and realize how lucky I am and how much I have to look forward too. My oldest said to me , “ for once Mom focus on you, put yourself first, career, health , everything. “ sounds like a positive plan.
Makes sense right? Especially now! I’ve finally learned from past experiences and relationships. Everything a person goes through is to prepare them for something amazing. For example, and my oldest daughter couldn’t believe it bahaha. After my break up with my guy I actually didn’t react in the normal - throw stuff, yell,cry way. Seriously, what good will come of that? Instead, I sat down, listened to anything and everything from this person and he did the same for me. I walked away calm, but still sad of course. But at least I didn’t rip his head off 😜. I learned that we are human and imperfect. I learned that love isn’t always enough. I learned that certain words used really stand for something else. I learned I will survive .. I believe if things are meant to be they are meant to be..
My focus will be on getting stronger professionally, physically, and within my soul. I deserve true happiness . Anything is possible. Think it, believe it! throw your hands in the air and keep looking forward! #manifest #relationships #italy #U2 #travel #writer #sports